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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
Poster of the year 1954 of the
1° edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari.
Poster of the year 1954 of the
1° edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari.
The death of Tazio Nuvolari, on 11 August 1953, touched all the World Particularly it moved Renzo Castagneto, Aymo Maggi and Giovanni Canestrini, the men of the “Mille Miglia”, who planned “the most beautiful race in the world” with Franco Mazzotti, dead
during the 2.nd World War. Castagneto, “deus ex machina“ of the Mille Miglia and his friends, were very attached to the Mantuan pilot.
They were linked by a close bond of affection and they felt deep consideration and admiration towards this great “man-champion”.
They also were grateful to him to because he contributed a lot to the unrestrainable growing of their “creature”. To honour his memory, the traditional itinerary of the Mille Miglia was changed in order to get it pass through Mantova.
To honor his memory, the organizers of the Mille Miglia modified the traditional route, so as to pass through Mantua. Since then, the Gran Premio Nuvolari was established, to be destined to the fastest driver and therefore to be competed on the long straight roads that run along the Po valley, starting from Cremona, passing through Mantua and finishing in Brescia.
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GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
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