Technical info

Foreign Competitors (Drivers and Co-drivers)
Provided Documents:
- Driving Licence
- Sport Licence, by the own National Sport Auto Association.
- Health certificate a medical statement of health and fitness for non -competitive sports (with ECG tracking) drawn up by own personal doctor.

(For the foreign competitors who are not provided with a Sport License there is the possibility to request the "Tessera di regolarità A.C.I. Sport", which is valid only for an event. It includes also a personal insurance. It can be obtained by checking the appropriate box during the enrollment procedure)
Admitted vehicles
Cars built between 1919 and 1981 will be admitted. The vehicles must have one of the following documents:
- Aci-Historic Cars Regularity Fiche
- HTP (Historical Technical Passport) F.I.A, 
- HTP (Historical Technical Passport) A.C.I, 
- Certificate of enrollment in the “Aci Storico Club” Register 
- Certificate of A.S.I. homologation or identity
- Certificate of enrollment in the National Historic Register AAVS,
- F.I.A. Heritage Pass,
- F.I.V.A. passport

A maximum of 35 GT (Gran Turismo) cars built between 1991 and 2024, duly registered
and inspected, equipped exclusively with tires approved for road traffic will be admitted.
Race-ready cars are excluded. Vehicles powered by renewable and alternative energies are
allowed. In drawing up the rankings, no coefficient based on the age of the car will be
Coefficients "Nuvolari"
In 2000 Mantova Corse conceived a method to award the performance of competitors, based on the age of the cars. Now, this simple system, renamed “Nuvolari Coefficient”, is widely adopted in the world of old cars by organizers and sports Federations.
“Nuvolari Coefficients” will be stated in order to transform the penalties obtained by each crew during the competition. The coefficient of every single car is given according to the following computation: (1 + year of construction of the car / 100).​
Examples Example
The year of construction of the car:
Car coefficient:
Hypothetical penalties obtained by the competitor:
Final score:
2.nd Example
The year of construction of the car:
Car coefficient:
Hypothetical penalties obtained by the competitor:
Final score:
Registrations will be open from March 1nd to July 31st 2024.
Sport and technical checks
Thursday 19th of September from 9.00 to 18.00.
The official start
Friday 20th of September at 9.00 from Piazza Sordello.
Internet partner:
Click here for race-entry