Gp Nuvolari 2024
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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Grandi Eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2023
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Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2016
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Scuderia Mantova Corse
Scuderia Tazio Nuvolari
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Gran Premio Nuvolari 2024
34th Modern Edition
Gran Premio Nuvolari 2024
34th Modern Edition
The death of Tazio Nuvolari, on 11 August 1953, touched all the World. Particularly it moved Renzo Castagneto, Aymo Maggi and Giovanni Canestrini, the men of the “Mille Miglia”, who planned “the most beautiful race in the world” with Franco Mazzotti, dead during the 2.nd World War. Castagneto, “deus ex machina“ of the Mille Miglia and his friends, were very attached to the Mantuan pilot.
They were linked by a close bond of affection and they felt deep consideration and admiration towards this great “man-champion”.
They also were grateful to him to because he contributed a lot to the unrestrainable growing of their “creature”. To honour his memory, the traditional itinerary of the Mille Miglia was changed in order to get it pass through Mantova.
To honor his memory, the organizers of the Mille Miglia modified the traditional route so as to pass through Mantua. Since then the GRAN PREMIO NUVOLARI was established in order to give a price to the fastest pilot, on the route along the impressive straight roads which cross "The Po Valley", starting from Cremona, through Mantova until the finish in Brescia.
After the four historical editions, from 1954 to 1957, firmly wanted by the 1000 Miglia’s organizers, today 33 revocations of the GRAN PREMIO NUVOLARI have been placed. The formula, an international rally reserved to historical cars. From 1991, the partners of the foundation Mantova Corse, Luca Bergamaschi, Marco Marani and Claudio Rossi, continue the same mission of the 1000 Miglia’s fathers. The objective, the same: giving the possibility to pilots of new generations, to try themselves on cars that wrote the history of those days, paying tribute to the greatest, bravest, most audacious of their predecessor: Tazio Nuvolari.
What’s new about the 34
Gran Premio Nuvolari
The itinerary has been designed in the name of the driving pleasure and more exclusive tourism. The first stage will see the start from Mantova, climb the Monte Baldo mountain range adjacent to Lake Garda to Riva. After the break, through the Monti Lessini it will reach Verona and then arrive in the evening in Modena. The second stage will start from Modena, between Apennine passes and unspoiled roads will meet Italian treasures such as Pistoia, Siena and Arezzo, then the passage through the Republic of San Marino until returning to Rimini in time for the gala evening at the Grand Hotel of Fellini's memory. The third stage, from the Adriatic Sea through the cities of Emilia Romagna, the controls of Faenza, Lugo, Conselice, Argenta, the break in Ferrara, the controls of Poggio Rusco and Revere and the arrival in Mantova, in the very central Piazza Sordello, the heart of Tazio Nuvolari's birthplace. A 1100 km journey through the beauties of Italy, a perfect union of history, passion, tradition and exclusive hospitality.
The partnership with the Racing Bulls F1 Team
On Sunday 22nd of September, the Gran Premio Nuvolari will join the F1 Scuderia
Racing Bulls F1 Team in the city centre of Faenza, with the exposition of the cars of the renewed white and blue team.
Gran Premio Nuvolari GREEN
The organization of the Gran Premio Nuvolari has always been aware to greening initiatives, embarking for years on a program aimed at safeguarding people and the territory.
The first initiative characterizing the "Gran Premio Nuvolari Green" project was developed in 2020 and involves the annual planting of trees of various types (tall deciduous trees) to offset the amount of CO2 created by the circulation of historic cars.
This year, an additional initiative will be developed to limit the use of plastic bottles: metal water bottles will be distributed to each crew, all organizational staff and media attending at the event. In parallel with the stage starts in Mantua, Modena and Rimini, drinking water dispensers will be placed for the use of all participants.
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