Gran Premio Nuvolari - 29th Edition - Start of the second stage


Mantova, September 21th 2019 – The first stage of the 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the most technical race in Italy for cars created between 1919 and 1972, ended yesterday in Bologna at the Fico Eataly World.

After the start in the fascinating Piazza Sordello in Mantova, the passage on the shores of the Garda Lake and the time tests in the heart of the Po Valley, today the Gran Premio Nuvolari goes live. More than 300 cars left early this morning Bologna and today they will cross the unique beauties of the middle Italy, passing first through the well-known Appennini passes of Raticosa and Futa and then through breath-taking places such as Piazza del Capo in Siena and Piazza Grande in Arezzo.

The provisional rank, after the 28 time tests during the first stage, currently sees the crews composed by Passanante – De Alessandrini, n.72 driving a 1937 Fiat 508C. At the second place Patron – Formilian n.42 (Fiat 514 MM, 1931), at the third place Moceri – Bottini n.94 (Fiat 508 C, 1939), followed by Salvinelli - Ceccardi n.36 (Fiat 514 Mille Miglia, 1930), Barcella – Ghidotti n.88 (Fiat 508 C, 1939) and Margiotta – La Chiana n.98 (Volvo PV 444, 1947). 

Tonight the cars will arrive in Rimini where they will parade in the Piazza Tre Martiri; they will then move in Piazza Fellini in front of the historic Grand Hotel, where, inside the old belle époque halls, the crews will enjoy a gala dinner in honour of Tazio Nuvolari, the greatest driver of all times.

Tomorrow, Sunday 22nd of September, the crews will head back to Mantua. Starting from Rimini, the competitors will experience the chrono trials of Meldola and the passage from Faenza, as guests of the Scuderia Toro Rosso. Then they will face the chrono trials of the Autodromo of Imola Enzo and Dino Ferrari: a unique experience rich in adrenaline, in a place rich of history. Later, the cars will pass through Ferrara, facing the new trials of Piazza Trento e Trieste. Lastly, the cars will arrive on the stage of Piazza Sordello, and they will take part in the closing lunch at Palazzo Ducale.

Organized by Mantova Corse, the regularity event is only for historic cars built between 1919 and 1972, according to the F.I.A., F.I.V.A., ACI Storico and ACI Sport regulations. 

As usual, the Gran Premio Nuvolari is supported by prestigious sponsors: Red Bull, “Special Partner”; Eberhard & Co., "Official Partner & Timekeeper" for the 30th consecutive year; Finservice Group, "Technical Partner" and leader in the field of financial consulting; Argo Racing, "Technical Partner", supplier of car GPS systems, Siglacom, "internet provider"; Fico Eataly World, the agri-food park that symbolizes the Italian culinary tradition in the world, Gruppo Bossoni Automobili, "Technical Partner".

Updated rank after the first stage – 20th of September
1 Passanante – De Alessandrini n.72 FIAT 508 C 1937
2 Patron - Formilian n.42 FIAT 514 MM 1931
3 Moceri - Bottini n.94 FIAT 508 C 1939
4 Salvinelli - Ceccardi n.36 FIAT 514 MILLE MIGLIA 1930
5 Barcella - Ghidotti n.88 FIAT 508 C 1938
6 Margiotta - La Chiana n.98 VOLVO PV 444 1947
7 Belometti - Vavassori n.32 LANCIA LAMBDA 1929
8 Erejomovich - Giuggiolini n.5 OM 665 S3 SUPERBA 1925
9 Tonconogy - Ruffini n.9 BUGATTI T40 1927
10 Vesco - Tanghetti n.34 ALFA ROMEO 6C 1750 SS 1929

The details of the 29th edition:
Presences: with over 300 crews from all over the world, of which 6 are female, the foreign presence stands at 65%, confirming the success of the Gran Premio Nuvolari format, organized for 29 years by Mantova Corse with experience and professionalism.
Admission period for the cars: from 1919 to 1972.
Route: this 29th edition proposes a largely renovated 1025 km-long route.
Special crews:

Tazio’s carthe legend: Nuvolari’s car will symbolically open the event, with the number 1 aboard the Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Gran Sport, the mythical car with which the flying Mantuan won the Mille Miglia in 1930, after a head to head with Achille Varzi.

Also this year Miki Biasion – the legendary rally driver, twice world champion, Brand Ambassador of Eberhard & Co. – will return to the GPN with the number 197, driving an Alfa Romeo 1900 C Super Sprint of 1956 next to Mario Peserico, CEO of Eberhard Italia.

With Red Bull to the Scuderia Toro Rosso of Faenza: on Sunday 22nd September, the historic cars of the Gran Premio Nuvolari will stop for a stamp control in Piazza del Popolo, Faenza. On this occasion, they will parade alongside the super modern F1 cars that have worn the colors of the Scuderia Toro Rosso for over 10 years. 

The event in honor of Tazio Nuvolari constitutes the second stage of “EpocaChampionship”, the Italian “Grandi Eventi” Championship of Aci Sport, which also includes the Coppa d’Oro delle Dolomiti (18th-21st July 2019), the Targa Florio (10th-13th October 2019) and the Coppa delle Alpi by 1000 Miglia (03rd-08th December 2019).
The Gran Premio Nuvolari is organized in partnership with the Municipality of Mantova, the Automobile Club Italia and ACI Storico and is part of the calendar of Mantova Città Europea dello Sport.
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