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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Grandi Eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2022
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2021
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2020
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2019
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2018
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2017
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2016
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2015
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2014
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Scuderia Mantova Corse
Scuderia Tazio Nuvolari
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GP Nuvolari 1991/2023
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Press release
The Gran Premio Nuvolari shows up at Techno Classica Essen, Halle 4 – Stand 616
The Gran Premio Nuvolari shows up at Techno Classica Essen, Halle 4 – Stand 616
Essen (D), 10th of April 2019
– Also this year, the Scuderia Mantova Corse will be present with its stand
(Halle 4 - Stand 616)
at the exhibition
“Techno Classica Essen
” to introduce to the public and to the international press the
29th modern edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari
, regularity race for classic cars scheduled
from the 20th to the 22nd of September 2019
Many news characterize the Gran Premio Nuvolari 2019, starting from the route. Once again, the focal location of the event will be Mantova, mother land of the “Great Nivola”, but thanks to the
changed itinerary
, participants will have the chance to appreciate not only the regions of Emilia Romagna, Marche, Toscana and Umbria, but also the streets of Lake Garda, gem of the Italian tourism, particularly appreciated by the large Northern European contingent that every year honors the Gran Premio Nuvolari with its presence.
In particular, the race counts many enthusiasts from Germany. In the previous editions, almost all the national brands have been represented: from Auto Union, to BMW and Mercedes Benz.
The Gran Premio Nuvolari does not only celebrate the myth of Tazio Nuvolari, “The Flying Mantuan”, but it also represents the international cultural showcase for the re-enactment of masterpieces created by the human genius: works of art on wheels, wonderful cars that thanks to their silhouette and engineering have entered the collective imagery.
The consolidated event, supported by its Oficial Partners
Eberhard & Co.
Red Bull
, will be one of the cult appointments of the season.
Therefore, the meeting point for all the classic cars enthusiasts who do not want to miss the start of the 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari is in Piazza Sordello, Mantova, on Friday 20th of September 2019 at 11:00 a.m.
Requirements and dead-lines for applications
The registrations for the Gran Premio Nuvolari are opened
until the 31st of July 2019
, exclusively on the website
. The event admits cars built between 1919 and 1972 that have a F.I.V.A. passport, or a F.I.A. Heritage fiche, or a A.S.I. Homologation, or a A.C.I. Sport /C.S.A.I. fiche or that belong to a Historical Brand Register.
For further information on Gran Premio Nuvolari
Scuderia Mantova
Press Office: Equipe International
Tel. +39 02 34538354
Antonella Nasini -
Agnese Paris -
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Expectation is rising around the 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari
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Gran Premio Nuvolari, 29th Edition - (19)-20-21-22 september 2019. Registrations are open and the new website is online
Press release
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