The Gran Premio Nuvolari: the 27th edition is on the starting line


Mantua, 20 September 2013 - Mantua’s vibrant central Piazza Sordello witnessed an impressive drive-past today of the 250 vintage and historical cars entered for the 27th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari. Dating from 1919 to 1969, the cars passed along several city streets before heading out on the first stages of the route, lined with a dense crowd of onlookers who didn't want to miss one of the most exciting moments of the Gran Premio, the start in the year that marks the 60th anniversary of the great Nivola’s death.

The famous vintage and historical car race, organised by Mantova Corse, ACI Mantova and the Tazio Nuvolari Museum, has attracted a significant number of entries, not only from Italian drivers, but also from international teams: no less than 250 cars drew up at the starting line and, once the technical checks and sports procedures had been completed, they were off at 1.00 p.m.

During the press conference last week, the organisers presented the new features along the 1000 kilometre route to the public and journalists attending. After leaving Piazza Sordello, the cars set off and are now travelling across Emilia and Romagna, with stopovers in the circuits in Modena and Imola, and are expected this evening in Milano Marittima, then in Rimini, where they will stay the night. One new addition is a visit to the Castle of Panzano, in the municipality of Castelfranco Emilia, the property of the well-known classic car and motorbike collector Mario Righini

Tomorrow, the drivers will take up the challenge along a magnificent route through Umbria and Tuscany, including a drive-past in Siena and Arezzo, including the unforgettable settings of Piazza del Campo and Piazza Grande. The race will end on Sunday, when the cars will pass through Ravenna and Ferrara, before returning to base in the large piazza overlooked by the Ducal Palace in Mantua, where the lunch organised for the teams will be held.

The prize will go to the ablest driver: Luca Bergamaschi, one of the founders of Mantova Corse, commemorated the “Flying Mantuan” this morning, stressing that the Gran Premio was born to honour his memory and enable young drivers to challenge one another in the cars that made his name a legend.
A numerous, enthusiastic audience thronged the starting line, demonstrating the lively interest and excitement that are generated increasingly by the Gran Premio Nuvolari with every passing year: there is a vivid memory here of Nivola, who died 60 years ago last 11 August.

The agenda for these three days is a packed one. In particular in the evenings: in addition to the launch event yesterday evening, Waiting for the Gran Premio…, which was held in the open air in Mantua’s Piazza delle Erbe, there will be a dinner this evening in Milano Marittima (Hotel Mare e Pineta) and above all the gala tomorrow, organised in honour of Tazio Nuvolari at the Grand Hotel Rimini.

The support of a prestigious array of partners has once again been confirmed for this edition: Audi Italia, Eberhard & Co. and Etiqueta Negra are back, now joined by Banca Generali as the Welcome Partner.
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