Gp Nuvolari 2024
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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Grandi Eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2022
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2021
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2020
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2019
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2018
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2017
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2016
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2015
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2014
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2013
Scuderia Mantova Corse
Scuderia Tazio Nuvolari
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GP Nuvolari 1991/2023
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Press release
Press release
The Gran Premio Nuvolari: the 27th edition is on the starting line
Mantua’s vibrant central Piazza Sordello witnessed an impressive drive-past today of the 250 vintage and historical cars entered for the 27th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari. Dating from 1919 to 1969, the cars passed along several city streets before heading out on the first stages of the route, lined with a dense crowd of onlookers who didn't want to miss one of the most exciting moments of the Gran Premio, the start in the year that marks the 60th anniversary of the great Nivola’s death.
Gran Premio Nuvolari: Press Conference 14 September 2013, 11.00 a.m., Mantua
The Tazio Nuvolari Museum today hosted the presentation of the 27th edition of the famous event for vintage and historical cars: held every year in memory of the great racing driver from Mantua, it has now become a fixed appointment in the diaries of Italian and international drivers. The organisers - Mantova Corse, ACI Mantova and the Tazio Nuvolari Museum - presented the list of 250 participants and illustrated this year’s new features.
Gran Premio Nuvolari: 2013 edition news
July 2013- The famous regularity event for vintage cars, organized by
Mantova Corse, Aci Mantova
Tazio Nuvolari Museum
, is gaining an important number of enrollments, not only among the Italian pilots, but among the foreigner teams as well.
The 1000 km route, starting from Mantua and going across famous artistic cities like Siena, Arezzo, Ravenna and Ferrara, during the 2013 edition will see the passage through two racetracks, respectively in Modena and Imola at “Autodromo Dino ed Enzo Ferrari”, this one will be visited twice. They also will go through the Castle of Panzano, in the municipality of Castelfranco Emilia, owned by the well-known collector of classic cars and motorcycles Mario Righini.
Great premises for the 2013 edition after the participation at Techno Classica Essen
After a few weeks from the opening of the registrations for the 27th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the famous international regularity event for old cars has already collected several subscription requests, thanks to the network of relationships established by Mantova Corse at Techno Classica Essen 2013. This year edition will be characterized by new features surely enjoyable for all the participants.
Etiqueta Negra Polo & Sportswear at the 25th edition of Techno Classica Essen
Etiqueta Negra Polo & Sportswear at the 25th edition of Techno Classica Essen together with Mantova Corse and Eberhard to present the next edition of Gran Premio Nuvolari.
Etiqueta Negra Polo & Sportswear at the 25th edition of Techno Classica Essen together with Mantova Corse and Eberhard to present the next edition of Gran Premio Nuvolari
Premiazione del campionato internazionale "Grand'Eventi 2013"
Presentazione dell'edizione 2014
Oggi, Sabato 16 novembre, si è svolta a Mantova, presso il Museo Tazio Nuvolari, la cerimonia di premiazione del Campionato Internazionale "Grand'Eventi 2013". Nel giorno dell'anniversario della nascita del “Grande Nivola”, La Scuderia Mantova Corse, con l'Automobile Club Mantova e il Museo Tazio Nuvolari, hanno inteso premiare i migliori equipaggi del campionato che comprende le nove più importanti manifestazioni di regolarità per auto storiche in Italia.
POST EVENT PRESS RELEASE Award ceremony at Bibiena Theatre: Andrea Vesco and Andrea Guerini winners of the 27th edition
Mantua, September 25th 2013 - The 27th edition finished Sunday evening with the award ceremony at Bibiena Theatre. The winner for the second year one after the other is the crew
Andrea Vesco - Andrea Guerini
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