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Grandi eventi 2023
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San Carlos de Bariloche - Press release no. 13
With an exemplary race Erejomovich Daniel and Gustavo Llanos, on an Ac 16/80 Comp. Sport 1938, win the 28th edition of the 1000 Millas Sport, this year held in the extraordinary landscapes of Patagonia.
October 17th 2016 – Tokyo – Press release no. 12
Mr. and Mrs. Takemoto with their Bugatti T35 1926 win for the eighth time in a row La Festa Mille Miglia.
Mantova – Press release no.11
Andrea Vesco and Andrea Guerini, on their trustworthy Fiat 508s Balilla Sport from 1934, win for the sixth time in seven years the Gran Premio Nuvolari.
Portero de los Funes, Argentina – Press release no. 10
The team Daniel Erejomovich and Gustavo Llanos from Buenos Aires win the 11th edition of the Rally de la Montaña on a Porsche 911 T of 1970. The rally concluded in the Circuit Gastón Perkins of Oreste Berta S.A. on the road to Alta Garcia.
Cortina D'Ampezzo (BL) - Press release no.9
In the beautiful scenery of the Dolomites, Giovanni Moceri and Daniele Bonetti won the Coppa d’Oro repeating the victory in the 100th Targa Florio.
Brescia, Italy - Press release no.8
Andrea Vesco and Andrea Guerini on Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 GS 1931 win the 34th historical reenactment of the 1000 Miglia. For the first time in 89 years of history of the “Freccia Rossa”, the son repeats his father's endeavour: as a matter of fact Roberto Vesco, in 1993, won "The most beautiful race in the world", matched with Valerio Bocelli.
Palermo, Sicily - Press release no.7
The 100th Targa Florio has concluded, a set of four events to celebrate the 100th edition: Rally, Historic Rally, Classic and Historic Spees. For four days, 450 cars have focused the attention of thousands of spectators acettered along the route, including the streets of Sicily. A celebration that people won’t easily forget
Termas de Rio Hondo – Press release no. 6
The 9th wonderful edition of La Gran Carrera has finished: 957 km in three stages, 132 time trials, 88 competing teams. The race is won by the team composed by Daniel Erejomovich and Gustavo Llanos, on a Porsche 911 from 1970.
Reggio Emilia (RE) - Press Release no. 5
For the 4th time in 6 editions, Andrea Vesco and Andrea Guerini win Terre di Canossa, on board of their Fiat 508 S Balilla Sport of 1934
. The race saw 93 crews taking off from Parma, about 678 km and 85 time trials in three stages, with focal points in Forte dei Marmi, Tuscany and the arrival in Reggio Emilia.
Mendoza, Argentina – Press Release no. 4
The 14
Rally de las Bodegas has been a success, with a great number of participants. Among them, the team composed by Daniel Erejmovich and Gustavo Llanos won the competition for the second time in a row. The couple drove an AC Bristol Sport from 1938.
Cortina D'Ampezzo (BL) - Press release no.3
Nino Margiotta and Bruno Perno win imperiously the WinterRace, the second event of the championship “Grand’Eventi 2016”. The official crew of Volvo Club Italia dominated the rally, maintaining the first places of the ranking from the first to the last chronometrical trial, outdoing the adverse car coefficient, due to the youth of their Volvo PV 544 of 1965.
Madonna di Campiglio (TN) - Press release no. 2
Brilliant performance of the two drivers from Brescia Spagnoli – Parisi. On Fiat 508 S (1932) they won the 28th edition of the Winter Marathon, first round of the championship "Grand'Eventi 2016". The FM Franciacorta Motors crew has completed a very technical race, marked by a very little snow but from extremely cold temperatures that have exalted the characteristic difficulties.
Madonna di Campiglio (Trento - Italy) - Press release n. 1
It is being presented today in Madonna di Campiglio, directly on the competition of the 28th Winter Marathon, the HISTORICAL INTERNATIONAL RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP "GRAND'EVENTI 2016", organized by Scuderia Mantova Corse, with the Automobile Club Mantova and the Museum Tazio Nuvolari reserved for competitors of the most important events of regularity for historic cars in the world.
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