Gp Nuvolari 2024
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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Grandi Eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2023
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2022
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2021
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2020
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2019
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2018
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2017
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2016
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2015
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2014
Campionato internazionale grandi eventi 2013
Scuderia Mantova Corse
Scuderia Tazio Nuvolari
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GP Nuvolari 1991/2023
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
The couple Vesco-Vesco triumphs with a 1935 fiat 508 s
The 33rd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari ended today, with the victory of crew No. 64 formed by the legendary couple Andrea Vesco - Roberto Vesco, respectively son and father, driving a splendid 1935 Fiat 508 S.
The second stage gets started: the race honoring the "Great Nivola" gets into full swing among the landscapes of central Italy
The first day of the 33rd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, Italy's most technical international regularity event for historic cars, which until tomorrow.
The event celebrating the myth of Tazio Nuvolari kicks off in Mantua
With the presence of 275 crews from all over the world and more than 100 pre-war cars.
The 33rd edition of the event in honour of the legendary "Flying Mantuan" is at the starting blocks
275 crews from all over the world and more than 100 pre-war cars
Engines are warming up for the international automotive event that celebrates the legendary Tazio Nuvolari every year
Little time left until the 33rd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the international regularity event for historic cars which from 14th to 17th September will bring together in Mantua, in Piazza Sordello.
15 days left until the deadline for registrations
There are only 15 days left until the deadline for the registrations for the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the international regularity event for historic cars which has been celebrating for 33 years the "Great Nivola", the most famous driver of all time.
Locman Official Timekeeper del Gran Premio Nuvolari 2023
E' ancora tempo di sport per Locman: il brand di orologeria originario dell'isola d'Elba, sarà infatti official time keeper della trentatreesima edizione del Gran Premio Nuvolari.
The organization of the international event which celebrates the great pilot from Mantova gets underway
The organization of the 33rd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari continues unceasing, the international regularity event reserved for historic cars which since 1991 has celebrated the legendary Tazio Nuvolari, known throughout the world as the greatest driver ever.
Changes to the program of the event
33rd Gran Premio Nuvolari – Premio Mantova 2023 the organization of the international event dedicated to the great tazio has been started
33rd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the international regularity event reserved for historic cars which since 1991 has paid homage to the greatest driver of all time, the legendary "Nivola".
Gran Premio Nuvolari - Premio Mantova 2023 partecipate at Techno Classica Essen, halle 5 – stand 501
Scuderia Mantova Corse will be the protagonist with its own stand (Halle 5 - Stand 501) at Techno Classica Essen, the most important world showcase for collector cars, to present to the international press the 33rd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari.
GRAN PREMIO NUVOLARI 32a EDIZIONE (14) – 15 – 16 – 17 SETTEMBRE 2023 Aperte le iscrizioni per la manifestazione internazionale di regolarità dedicata al “Mantovano Volante”
Mantova, 1st of March 2023 – Registration requests open today for the 33nd edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the international event of regularity for historic cars, scheduled from the 14th to 17th of September 2023.
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