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GP Nuvolari 1954/1957 - The four historic editions
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
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Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2020
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2019
Campionato italiano grandi eventi 2018
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GP Nuvolari 1991/2023
GP Nuvolari 1991/2023 - The reenactment
Press release
Press release
Passanante and De Alessandrini winners of the 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari
After ten years, the Italian Champion for Regularity wins the race that honours the myth of the great Nivola.
Gran Premio Nuvolari - 29th Edition - Start of the second stage
The extraordinary race that honour the unforgettable myth of Nivola is really getting going: 427 km across the beauties of middle Italy.
The extraordinary race that honour the unforgettable myth of Nivola started this morning from Piazza Sordello More than 300 crews from all over the world, 95 the pre-war cars at the start 19-20-21-22 September 2019
The 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the most technical race in Italy started this morning. From the 20th to the 22nd of September, the international world of classic cars converge in Mantua - the town in which the Gran Premio starts and arrives. Cars of timeless charm arrived to celebrate the myth of Tazio Nuvolari: the sportsman who more than anyone else has marked the history of the twentieth century.
More than 300 crews from all over the world to honour the unforgettable myth of Nivola 95 the pre-war cars at the start
Everything is ready for the start of the 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, the most technical race in Italy. From the 20th to the 22nd of September, the international world of classic cars will converge in Mantua - the town in which the Gran Premio starts and arrives. Cars of timeless charm will arrive to celebrate the myth of Tazio Nuvolari: the sportsman who more than anyone else has marked the history of the twentieth century.
Mantova Corse revolutionizes the Gran Premio Nuvolari with the Argo Racing technology
Mantova Corse, the Organizer of the Gran Premio Nuvolari, announced today to have chosen the Argo Racing technological platform for the organizational management and safety of the 29th modern edition of its event.
Gran Premio Nuvolari - 29th Edition
Over 300 crews from all over the world are ready to celebrate the unforgettable myth “Nivola”. 95 pre-war cars will take part in the event.
Red Bull gives wings to an ageless passion: the Gran Premio Nuvolari related exclusively by Irene Saderini.
To revive the positive myth of Tazio Nuvolari and accompany the many enthusiasts in an extraordinary journey aboard masterpieces of mechanics and design, passion and a lot of energy are needed.
Gran Premio Nuvolari 2019: one month left to register
Entries for the 29h modern edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari are coming from all over the world.
Eberhard & Co. and Gran Premio Nuvolari
For the past thirty years, Eberhard & Co. has been connected with Tazio Nuvolari, one of the greatest drivers of all time, and the famous race named after him, the Gran Premio Nuvolari.
Expectation is rising around the 29th edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari
In 2019 the Gran Premio Nuvolari celebrates 29 years, and Mantova Corse is proud of this goal.
(click here for the press release)
The Gran Premio Nuvolari shows up at Techno Classica Essen, Halle 4 – Stand 616
From the 10th to the 14th of April, the famous event for classic cars dedicated to the “Great Tazio” will be presented in Germany.
(click here for the press release)
Gran Premio Nuvolari, 29th Edition - (19)-20-21-22 september 2019. Registrations are open and the new website is online
The registrations for the the 29th modern edition of the Gran Premio Nuvolari are open. It is an international regularity event for historic cars according to F.I.A., F.I.V.A. and ACI Sport regulations, scheduled for September 2019, from 19th to 22nd.
(click here for the press release)
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